Friday, March 22, 2019

RTHK-CIBS - Lets Speak Chinese – Pre-production efforts

When I submit proposals for program to CIBS, I always dreamt about making all the non-Chinese Hong Kongers to speak Chinese.  

When I put forth this idea to Ms. Mok in 2018, to my surprise, she readily accepted. I went to meet her once personally .  We decided on the topics to be applied. We proposed very easy topics like my school, parent, friend etc., so that participants can enjoy doing it.  

Ms. Mok suggested to have radio drama on those topics as well. She was excited and told that she would bring in Mr. Houwood (who is retired and has 30 years of media experience) to write the script for the drama.

I visited HOPE Center in Wanchai and spoke to the in-charge person about the proposed program and get their consent for participation as well. 

When the application was opened by CIBS, I met Ms. Mok once again.  We planned to have experience sharing by parents, children, teachers in learning Cantonese as well. 

With all these step by step basic work done, I filled the application for 23rd quarter with the proposed structure and thought of duplicating the same for 24th quarter thinking to increase the chance of getting the contract.  We made it a point to mention that NAAC (Neighbourhood Advice Action Council) a non-voluntary organisation in Yat Tung running Chinese classes at TOUCH Center would support CCG in this production. 

However, after submission, as per stipulated conditions, same application was not acceptable for two quarters. I was asked to change the topics for 24th quarter.  

Dreaming of getting 23rd quarter, I put forth random topics such as my native place, my math ability, favorite food, snack, place etc. 

Upon submission, I informed about this application to my Cantonese teacher and my Cantonese classmates.  TOUCH Center teacher Ms. Celia, was really encouraging telling that she will help to train the students. 

Both applications got accepted and went for public voting.  I requested Ms. Mok and my Chinese classmates to vote for this program. Finally we got through the voting stage too.

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