Monday, October 21, 2019

Cantonese Movie on Bodhidharma

I always wanted to share lot of details that I come to know everyday.  Because of paucity of time, could not do it.  Today I am starting my spree.  Hope I can write more in the coming days.

After becoming editor of a magazine, everyday I have a new learning.  It was quite interesting today.  I just happended to bump into a video about Bodhidharma.  This video was done in lieu with the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Mahabalipuram.

I had written a small article about Bodhidharma many years before for the Siruvar malar (children magazine) of a Tamil daily Dina Thandhi.  That time I just mentioned that the Master of Bodhidharma was Prajnatara not knowing much about that person.

Today the video mentioned that Bodhidharma's master was a female.  Then my interest increased to know more about her.  Started browsing the internet for more details about her.  It was an interesting story.  While browsing, came accross the video named Da mo Zu Shi - Master of Zen. Thinking that it would be in English, I switched onto the video.  But it was in Cantonese with English subtitle.

It depicted the story of Bodhidharma from the time he was princess.  But the story depicted the master as a male.  Today I came to know the life history of Bodhidharma and why he is worshipped as Zen master. Youtube video is available at
It was known that Prajnatara might me a female only in 2008.  It was mentioned in one of the article that I read during this process.

History is always written based on evidences found in books, literatures and sculptures.  So when they found the evidence, the myth of master being a male changed. The evidences were from archeological discoveries, Korean Zen traditions and historical and oral traditions of the people of the state of Kerala. The history has to be rewritten once the evidences are found.

Keeladi, the excavations in Tamil Nadu is also moving to that direction of rewritting history to introduce one more civilization of the world, the oldest one, Tamil Civilization.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Dream Chaser - Singing Chinese Song for competition

It was really a wonderful experience to be with a group of more than 200 Chinese while participating in a competition to show your talent on August 10th 2019 organised by Outlaying Islands Women’s Association supported by Rotary E-Club of Lantau.  Though I am not talented in singing, I just wanted to see the extent of my capacity in singing Chinese songs.  I have lot of experience in taking my daughter for competitions many a times but this was the first ever stage performing competition I registered in Hong Kong.

For CIBS Let’s Speak Chinese programme, I had prepared few songs and recorded them.  Since few of my friends told that it was nice to listen to those songs, I had the guts to submit my Chinese singing skill for audition for Lantau’s Got Talent show in the month of July.  When I received the mail saying that I am selected to enter the finals, I was quite happy to have cleared my first step in this venture. It was the song Ni Zenme Shuo, a song by the Taiwanese singer Teresa Tang.

I started practicing the song around 5 times every day with or without music until the day of the contest.  I edited the song to 3 minutes not cutting the lyrics part to fit the requirement.   Made a powerpoint with the original singer Teresa Tang. I planned to wear the Chinese dress gifted to me by my sister. I borrowed the high heels slippers of my daughter. 

On the day of the competition, I got ready and reached the spot little late as I remembered only the competition time to be 2:30 and missed out on make-up and rehearsal slots.  I was right on time for the rehearsal.  It was in the grand ballroom of Regal Airport Hotel.  The stage was big and I was excited to perform before the Chinese audience for the first time. I just missed out on make-up. Though I planned, I forgot to take those items with me when I left home.

There were 15 finalist for this contest including individual and group.  Most of them were children and their family.  However, there were around five adult teams. I saw Parul with her daughter was also one of the finalist after some time.  I was the only one singing a song using Karaoke track.

We had magic show, Chinese traditional juggling, rubric’s cube show, English poem recitation, martial art show by children.  Rest of them were different types of dances.  Seeing all the performances in the rehearsal, I could foresee all the winners.  However, I was there just to present my first ever solo Chinese performance before Chinese audience. While I was singing the song, I could see few people repeating the words with me.  Once I finished, while walking back to my place, few of them congratulated on my performance.  I felt that I succeeded in my attempt by getting that appreciation though I don’t speak the language. Parul and her daughter danced a Bollywood medley very well with lot of gymnastic poses for a wonderful music.

It was very encouraging to see the organisors taking so much of effort in showcasing the Lantau talents. Out of 15 finalists, five of them were chosen to win the trophies.  Almost all of them were dance groups.  Little 4 years old girl sitting next to me who danced a ballet dance became friendly and she was also chosen in the first five. Happy to see that Indian team of Parul and her daughter were declared the winners of the competition. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Lets Speak Chinese (LSC) – Hurdles to cross

The mail saying that our LSC proposal for 23rd and 24th quarters was successful, created little bit worry as the proposed producer of this program fell sick with cancer diagnosis.  Thought of replying CIBS that we may not be able to proceed in this endeavour.  But Ms. Mok was keen in proceeding with this production and found another person Ms. Celia Chu to help in the production.

When we were invited for CIBS interview, I requested Ms. Celia Chu to go with me to attend the interview.  For the first time in three years of 9 seasons production, the interview got cancelled due to typhoon.  I think it happened for a reason.

To our dismay, just based on our application proposal, our 23rd quarter application was rejected but 24th quarter application got accepted.  One advantage was that we had ample time for production.  But disadvantage is that the random topics chosen were somewhat difficult compared to the ones submitted in 23rd quarter.

We wanted to do the 23rd quarter topics.  I did not want to leave any stones unturned. Sent a message to CIBS requesting that we would like to do the topics submitted in 23rd quarter (like my school, parent, friend etc) instead of proposed topics of 24th quarter.

Again to our dismay, they told that we need to produce the show only with 24th quarter topics as the judges found that those are more interesting than 23rd ones.

Meanwhile, my December visit to India with my husband fetched fruitful result of my son’s wedding proposal.  Many things worked out fast and I had to travel to India again in February.  Ms. Mok told that she will request the script writer to work after Chinese New Year.  CIBS stipulated us to submit first two episodes on March 11.  Since I planned to return on February 13th, I felt that we still have ample time to prepare and record the drama with the receipt of the script immediately after Chinese New Year.

However, another hurdle had to be crossed.  My stay in India got extended up to 26th February.  Ms. Mok was not able to proceed without me.  I worked on this project while in India by requesting the CCG members to make 2 minutes speeches on all the submitted topics to CIBS.  To our surprise, there were many takers and we got participants for all the topics. It was so encouraging.

As soon as I reached Hong Kong, I spoke to Ms. Mok and fixed an appointment to meet on March 1st.  I know it was really too late to prepare the Ep1 and Ep2 recording. But we need to proceed.  During the meeting with Ms. Mok and Celia, I informed that we can bring in 4 participants (two of them good in reading and writing Chinese and one good in speaking and one learning Chinese for an year) from different countries to do the drama.  She told that she will get the script done in a week. 

It took 5 days to meet the script writer after that.  March 6th… the time was running.  I know that it would be difficult to submit our first two episodes.  Hurdle need to be crossed.

When the script was ready and given to the participants, one who was good in speaking Chinese dropped out.  I got it filled by my classmate Priya who puts lot of effort in learning Cantonese in all these years but does not know how to read and write Chinese.  Now two participants know only to speak Chinese. Another participant helped amazingly.  She converted the whole Chinese document into English transcript (following jyutping). 

Meanwhile, we booked the studio for recording on March 11 to record the first episode so that at least one episode can be submitted on the stipulated deadline. We did that successfully. Hurdle was successfully crossed partially. I bought some time from CIBS informing that second episode will be submitted on 20th March. This is the first time that we could not meet our first 2 episodes deadline.

While this hurdle was partially crossed, another major hurdle cropped up on 17th March.  The friend who helped us in getting English transcript was not able to join us for some reason.  My hunt for participant at this juncture seemed to be impossible.  But this hurdle has to be surpassed.

God only know how many more hurdles we had to surpass in this production.

RTHK-CIBS - Lets Speak Chinese – Pre-production efforts

When I submit proposals for program to CIBS, I always dreamt about making all the non-Chinese Hong Kongers to speak Chinese.  

When I put forth this idea to Ms. Mok in 2018, to my surprise, she readily accepted. I went to meet her once personally .  We decided on the topics to be applied. We proposed very easy topics like my school, parent, friend etc., so that participants can enjoy doing it.  

Ms. Mok suggested to have radio drama on those topics as well. She was excited and told that she would bring in Mr. Houwood (who is retired and has 30 years of media experience) to write the script for the drama.

I visited HOPE Center in Wanchai and spoke to the in-charge person about the proposed program and get their consent for participation as well. 

When the application was opened by CIBS, I met Ms. Mok once again.  We planned to have experience sharing by parents, children, teachers in learning Cantonese as well. 

With all these step by step basic work done, I filled the application for 23rd quarter with the proposed structure and thought of duplicating the same for 24th quarter thinking to increase the chance of getting the contract.  We made it a point to mention that NAAC (Neighbourhood Advice Action Council) a non-voluntary organisation in Yat Tung running Chinese classes at TOUCH Center would support CCG in this production. 

However, after submission, as per stipulated conditions, same application was not acceptable for two quarters. I was asked to change the topics for 24th quarter.  

Dreaming of getting 23rd quarter, I put forth random topics such as my native place, my math ability, favorite food, snack, place etc. 

Upon submission, I informed about this application to my Cantonese teacher and my Cantonese classmates.  TOUCH Center teacher Ms. Celia, was really encouraging telling that she will help to train the students. 

Both applications got accepted and went for public voting.  I requested Ms. Mok and my Chinese classmates to vote for this program. Finally we got through the voting stage too.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Cantonese Meet up

Wow… It was a memorable day with 90 minutes of Cantonese listening and no talking at all.   Don’t it sound funny. 

Not by watching TV. Not by listening to Radio. Not by listening to a conversation in a restaurant with strangers. 

It was in the official meet up with my Hong Kong Computer Society – FACE Club friends Meet up to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of its inception. There were 8 Face Club Exco members, 2 admin staff of HKCS. I was lone non-Chinese member.

When President Cally started off with Cantonese and seeing me changed to English mode, I had the courage to tell her to continue in Cantonese itself. From then on, the entire meeting went on in Cantonese.

Though I am living in Hong Kong for more than 20 years I am yet to master the language. In these 4 years, they always conduct the meeting in English.

My maiden attempt participating in the Cantonese Radio Drama two days before helped me a lot.  The courses attended in the past year paid off very well. It is my Cantonese day as I was able to get many details.

The only Cantonese word I used today was “jat wun faan mei”, one cup of rice. My friends translated few items when I asked about the context which I could not understand.

When I thanked my group for giving me listening practice, they encouraged me telling that I must start talking in the next meeting.  Hope I can live up to their expectation.

23 March 2019